Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Human Centipede (2010)

Ok I finally decided to watch The Human Centipede after a couple of years of saying I never will because I listened to this person and what they told me about it and from what I already saw in trailers and previews I really did not want to see it. But again here I am about to tell you about it. First off I am glad I finally watched it even though it does have that one part that everyone who knows about this film knows happens and yes it's pretty damn gross but the way it was done in the film really is not that bad. It's just the idea of it that makes you want to vomit chunks. So here is a breakdown of the story:

It starts with a guy sitting in his car looking at some pictures of his dog and then another pic of the dog sniffing another dog then finally a picture of 3 dogs in a row. Hmmmm... Setting up for the story already so you get the idea of what is to come. Fast forward and you see two girls who are broke down on the street somewhere in the middle of nowhere Germany in the middle of a forest late at night with the pouring rain. A guy pulls up and they think he may help but he only speaks German and believes that they are two chicks from a porno he has at home and wants to enjoy them in person.

Fast forward a little more and the girls finally decide to start walking for help and come across a house. They knock on the door, he lets them in, roofies them and so begins the story.We're just missing one more character so enter the random Japanese guy who happens to also be hanging out in Germany and can only speak Japanese. A little more forward and the one chick really won't go down easy so she fights back and he decides that she will of course be the middle piece. Then the centipede is made and the evil scientist dude who seriously looks like Christopher Walken if he was going to be possessed in any Exorcist film decides the centipede is his new pet and tries to teach them tricks and show them how to walk as one. I will not give more away but the film ends in a way I never saw coming. It definitely had me go hmmmm I see.

I have had the pleasure of talking to Ashley Williams, Ashlynne Yennie and Akihiro Kitamura on numerous occasions and they were always extremely polite and cool. I really think that is why I again finally decided to watch this since even when I would talk with them I would tell them I have no desire to see the film because I basically know it all already and they would say no check it out (obviously trying to promote it) but I can honestly say now I am glad a couple years later I did. So in closing if you know of this film then it's one that is easy to make your mind up in advance. Every now and then we come across that film and this is no exception but ignore what you heard from the other guys who think they know everything and give this one a chance. It's only an hour and a half, so it's not long over kill if you do hate it. It's seriously just like a Saw film. It's very disturbing at times and not at all for the squeamish and pretty suspenseful.

The acting by everyone is very believable and very well done
Who ever did the casting did a great job
The main evil dude does an amazing job of being an evil dude
Ashley C. Williams and Ashlynne Yennie

It's kind of like Reading Rainbow, you don't have to take my word for it. Just check it out.
Till next time take care and farewell for now...

Review by Joe

Buy The Human Centipede on DVD

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