Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blood Junkie (2010)

Blood Junkie is a 1980's style horror comedy directed by Drew Rosas and shot in Wisconsin for $7000. The film follows the exploits of two studly high school graduates named Craig Wilson (Nick Sommer) and Teddy Bender (Mike Johnston). They spend their days looking for chicks, drinking beer and hanging out in Teddy's mom's basement playing video games. Craig thinks he's a ladies man and hits on every woman he sees, including Teddy's mom while Teddy is more the shy type. While at the convenience store they run into two local chicks, Rachel (Emily Treolo) and Laura (Sarah Luther), and talk them into going camping with them. Before picking the girls up Craig and Teddy celebrate in a homoerotic, slo-mo montage in Teddy's room. After this they set off in Craig's station wagon to pick up Rachel and Laura. When they arrive they learn there is a catch to this weekend adventure when Laura's eight year-old brother, Andy (Brady Cohen), has to tag along.

While sitting around the campfire, drinking and smoking pot, Teddy tells the tale his grandfather told him as a child. He explains how an accident occurred at the old chemical plant in the woods. A pressure valve was not maintained, exploded and the plant was shut down. The night operator's body was never found. Later, Teddy says, he found a journal in which his grandfather rambled about mutilated livestock – blaming it all on the manbeast that lived in the woods. Is there truly a deranged madman living in the abandoned chemical plant – or could it be far worse? As Craig states, it could be ‘Junkies, man. Junkies.'

Blood Junkie is an amazing film that's full of 80's goodness. Everything from the costumes, to the set design and the moog synth score are spot on for an 80's era slasher. The look of the film even reeks of the 80's and looks like it was shot on low-grade film stock. All of the actors in the film did a phenomenal job and the film pulls off more than most larger budget productions. The only drawback to the film is that it clocks in at just 72 minutes and the horror really only kicks in around the 50 minute mark. Prior to that, the film is mostly a comedy, which hits the mark thanks in particular to Nick Sommer. Mulleted Craig Wilson has become one of my favorite movie characters of all time. He had me laughing my ass off through the whole movie. I can't say enough good things about Blood Junkie and I look forward to more films by Drew Rosas. Definitely check it out. You won't be sorry.

Review by Brad

Buy Blood Junkie on DVD

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